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# So long 🇦🇺

When I joined Atlassian in 2014 I would’ve never dreamt to be given the chance to make such an impact by being the first full-time Mobile Dev in Sydney and a year later by helping to hire and build up Mobile-Engineering at Atlassian. Almost three years later I’ve decided to leave Atlassian and Australia to move on to new adventures…

I’ve resigned from my position as Mobile Development Team Lead effectively today 26.05.2017 and will be heading back to Germany on 31.05. with my partner Julia. I’m already looking forward to the next gig, but also I’ve decided to take a reasonable amount of time off before doing so, as my friends (and most co-workers) now I’m a passionate rider and I’ve bought a brand new Yamaha XSR900 which I’ll be riding soon, this will satisfy my travel requirement.

Also I’ll be using my spare time and invest into some side-projects as well as things I’ve long neglected, too many things to do, so many problems to solve yet such few time. That’ll not be true for the next couple of months though.

Oh and btw I’ve just bought an HTC Vive but I’ve got no suitable PC yet, that’ll be another point on my bucket-list, building a VR / Gaming PC (ideally Micro ITX form-factor). The last time I build a PC was in 2004, can’t have changed much, eh?

That said, there’ll be heaps of things to do, I’m super curious and looking forward to it all, until then. Thanks Australia, and heaps of thanks to all the friends I made here, stay in touch and see you later.

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