# Archives
- 2017-10-01 - Using DigitalOcean Spaces in Ktor (Kotlin)
- 2017-05-26 - So long 🇦🇺
- 2016-04-26 - Using SwiftyBeaver
- 2016-01-26 - How I'm dockerizing Swift web apps in serve.swifton.me 🍸
- 2015-11-10 - Locative goes open source
- 2015-09-28 - Three dimensions to rule 'em all!
- 2015-07-14 - Spotify - The end of an era
- 2015-06-25 - Simple Swift CLI Apps
- 2015-04-25 - eToller.app
- 2014-12-26 - Jekyll GitHub Plugin
- 2014-12-14 - himbo.app
- 2014-12-10 - http://src.kida.io
- 2014-09-24 - The Reservist (or: How I've hacked the Apple Store queue)
- 2014-08-30 - Ghost + Amazon S3 = <3
- 2014-08-01 - Ghost on Heroku. The most complete Guide. (Ever.)
- 2014-06-15 - trianglify-api
- 2014-04-18 - instancetype vs. id
- 2014-04-18 - SSL on [redacted]
- 2014-03-31 - Setting the Timezone of your Ubuntu 12.04 machine
- 2014-03-29 - SimPholders
- 2014-02-19 - JSON Accelerator
- 2014-01-31 - Using iptables to block incoming traffic directly to you node.js app
- 2014-01-24 - Simulator in use
- 2014-01-23 - Git Commit-Hash based Build Versioning for your iOS Project
- 2014-01-18 - iOS 7 UITableViewCells and their backgroundColor
- 2014-01-12 - iBeacon ranging and background issues
- 2013-12-21 - Geofancy-iBeacon-Sample
- 2013-12-06 - Geofancy
- 2013-10-29 - How to reindex your Xcode 4 / 5 Projects
- 2013-10-07 - Debugging objc_msgSend in iOS Projects
- 2013-09-27 - MagicKit-iOS
- 2013-08-01 - KILocationManager
- 2013-05-22 - twote.io
- 2013-05-14 - der kleine reibach 1.0
- 2013-04-18 - KIImagePager now available through CocoaPods
- 2013-03-24 - chainsaw - AppCrashlogger
- 2013-03-15 - Listed at WebworkerHannover
- 2013-02-20 - iDTMF * DTMF and ZVEI Tone generator for iOS
- 2013-02-03 - tapebooth via @doctapers
- 2013-02-01 - COCOAH #2
- 2013-02-01 - Kolibri - sms client
- 2013-01-29 - doctape HACKATHON - Results
- 2013-01-29 - UIKit Artwork Extractor
- 2013-01-27 - This week's OpenSource release
- 2013-01-15 - doctape Hackathon
- 2013-01-15 - doctape Hackathon
- 2013-01-15 - I'm at GitHub